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Forfatterens bildeJulie Bryne

The Tea Room (Oslo)

Oppdatert: 10. nov. 2020

The Tea Room at Imperial is located at Youngstorget, more specifically at Youngs gt. 11 0181 Oslo.

It's run by headchef Luke Henderson teamed up with very experienced sommelier Jefferson Goldring. As you can read on their website, "Luke is trained in traditional craftmanship and uses it to put a unique touch on his high-end cooking. By blending traditional dishes with elegant flavours, he creates food for the soul".

Food for the soul guys! Who doesen't want that? We just had to try this Michelin candidate for ourselves. Spoiler alert: We ate ants.

Here is our experience with The Tea Room.


Bubbling with joy before dinner

When you arrive at The Tea Room, you get invited to sit down in a cute, casual room for som champagne before you go to dinner. It's such a lovely way start a special meal.

After a while, we went in to the dining room. A small intimate room with 5 tables. The vibes are good and we were all set for the adventure to begin.


First up, they serve us this bowl, and the menu says "tomato". We have never seen a tomato like this before, but OK.

It then turns out to be packed with flavour, and it really sets the mood for what's coming.

Best tomato ever.

Cod skin with leeks

The next dish was also fascinating. This is crispy cod skin with leek.

Crunchy, savoury, fishy, leeky a word?

Then, my favourite of the starters arrived. A soft, warm doughnut of potato, with onion, ramson and yoghurt. I could eat a whole bucket of these things.

There are just so many good things on this menu, I'm just going to let the images speak for themselves.

Potato doughnut with ramson

Mountain trout with nori and yeast
Croustade of king crab and fennel

Pumpkin custard, reduced whey

Two of the super highlights: Cod with curry, and bread and miso butter. (Check out my Instagram in highlights for a classic "tearing up the bread" video.)

Cod, curry and celeriac
Beer bread and miso butter (OMG)

The wine pairing was VERY generous.

And very delicious.

Monkfish, cabbage, parsley
Turnip, nettles, black garlic

Potato nest, onion, lingonberry

OK so let's talk about the dessert. The menu says, liquorice, preserved blueberry, tarragon. It doesen't even mention that this dessert, is in fact decorated with ANTS. It has been a while since I got this surprised during a meal. The ants were infused with lemon and as a self proclaimed foodie I have to eat this right? Well.. I ate one! Svein ate the rest. I admit it. I am not there yet. But the ice cream was really good.

Custard tart
Ice cream sandwich, caneles, root pastilles, doughnuts

We were extremely pleased with the experience. Amazingly polite service, exciting food, great space. We are looking forward to come again sometime.

I am so excited to see if a little Michelin star is coming their way. They deserve it.



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